Dollar Shave Club July 2015

Disclosure: This post contains referral links.

Dollar Shave Club razors are here! Dollar Shave Club offers high quality razor blades and personal hygiene products to its club members and delivers them right to your door.

Price: $3 for 2 blades (5 cartridges), $6 for 4 blades (4 cartridges), $9 for 6 blades (4 cartridges), FREE blade handle in first box and every time you switch between styles of blade

Frequency: every month or every other month, pause or cancel subscription whenever you want

Ships to: United States, Canada, and Australia (Canada and Australia have their own clubs with separate pricing)



A few days after I began my subscription, I got a shipping email with DHL tracking information. My box was scheduled to arrive on July 3rd, but got here on July 1st! The box is nicely packaged and fit easily into my mailbox. I appreciate that Dollar Shave Club doesn’t use a box any larger than it needs.

IMAG2012I first opened the handle and it is really nice. It’s got a heavy weight to it and is beautifully made with an easy to grip design. I was impressed and the quality of the handle far exceeded my expectations for this service!

The cartridges came nicely packaged as well and were clean and of high quality. I received the 4 blade cartridges ($6/month for 4 of them). These cartridges have a small moisture strip at the top and are perfect for men OR women. I’ve been using men’s razors as a woman for a while and they work just fine.


Overall, the razor blades are good quality. I shaved with them and had little trouble. The shave was smooth and I didn’t have to make any double passes on my legs. I will say the cartridge seems a bit small to me from what I’m sometimes used to in a woman’s cartridge. Maybe the 6 blade cartridge is bigger. This just meant I couldn’t cover as much surface area at once, but it was nice for places like my bikini line. Overall, I’m pleased with this razor and plan to keep the 4 blade for a while. Maybe I’ll consider upgrading to the 6 blade in the future.

Here’s the handle with the blade together.


Dollar Shave Club also included this free sample of Dr. Carver’s Shave Butter, which was very smooth and silky. I don’t usually shave with a cream (I use lotion afterwards instead) and this was a nice treat!


If you want to subscribe, head on over to Dollar Shave Club’s website and sign up today! You’ll get your razors in a few days, too, so there’s no waiting until the next month for this subscription. This subscription is  a great deal. Not only do you save money on razors, but it encourages you to change your blade frequently, which keeps your skin happy and healthy!

See my Youtube unboxing HERE.

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